
Broken Arm

Our vacation up to Indiana has been a wonderful time! We've gotten to see family and friends! There have been some disappointments. Two of Nicole's little friends have been sick with the flu most of our time up here and the girls haven't gotten to get together like we had hoped. It has been an opportunity for us all to remember who really is in charge! Sam and I really enjoyed our time at the NANC conference in St. Louis, MO. We hardly ever get to spend time alone with our son. Nathaniel also went to the conference. He planned ahead and did his school work so that he could attend. We were informed at the conference that Nicole had fallen off the monkey bars and broke her arm. We chose to come home last night and care for her. She has been such a trooper. She can tolerate a lot of pain. The break is high up on her forearm and casting the arm wouldn't help. So we have to keep her arm in a sling for 4 to 6 weeks. She is restricted in her activity. Bummer. Pray that Nicole would learn all the lessons that God has for her and that I too would learn what I need to. This is our first broken bone with our children. Pretty unbelieveable. Both Sam and I spent plenty of time in the ER growing up.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I missed the broken arm. Awwww, poor Nicole! Let her know that we are praying for her!