

Yesterday morning we were informed of a horrible, heartbreaking event. One of the Hornbrook Families life long friends was murdered. Nelly Muñoz was murdered by her husband. Nelly, Polly and her brother Yeko have been friends of the Hornbrooks since the children were just little tikes over forty years ago. My sister-in-law, Debby and my brother-in-law Jim have known Nelly most of their lives. Please pray for Nelly's family. Nelly had two children 7 and 3. Both the children were home when their daddy attacked and killed their mommy. Unfortunately they saw everything and even tried to find the phone to call the police in the middle of it all. Please pray for these children that they will get true help from God's Word. And as my daugher prayed last night during our family prayer time, "pray that Nelly's husband would truly accept Christ".

We have been studying on Anger here at Nueva Vida. We all know that we have disappointments come our way everyday. The goal is to handle them in such a way that brings glory to God. We are reminded again that God's Way of solving problems is the only True Way and brings about True Joy in Marriage and Life.

Just last night we were told that A.E. had another "episode" and got out a knife and was threatening her family. As many of you remember I was called up to our neighbor's a couple of months ago and found A.E. with a rope around her neck. Anyway, Sam, during our deaf bible study last night, explained again how man's ways never bring about true happiness. Unfortunately, A.E. has been placed on a medication to control her behavior. A.E. is 24, lives with her parents, and has a son that is 5. You can imagine how her son is acting out what he has seen in his home. Pray that we will have an opportunity to share the Hope that we have in Christ. Our neighbors are pretty discouraged and looking for answers.

So many folks around us are struggling in their relationships. Sam has been bombarded with counseling opportunities. Pray that Sam will be able to keep everything in balance. Right now he is trying to balance his counseling, Seminary teaching three days and one night a week, leading the youth group, preaching in the mornings on Sunday here at Nueva Vida, plus preaching at Peniel on the south side of town every Sunday evening. Peniel is a sister church that is without a pastor right now. Sam also counsels one to two couples every Sunday there at Peniel before and after the service.

Thanks for your prayers.


Kandie Stilwell said...

My heart is broken about Nelly. I will be praying for her family. My love to you all.

Monica said...

Dear Jamie,
This is really quite surreal. It is difficult to sort thoughts about this type of event in life. Grief. Sadness. We will be praying for all the people down there and Nelly's family especially. I still cannot believe it. Please tell the family that there are praying friends here. Praying for you all too as you are ministering in very tough times.

Molly said...

Praying for you guys and for Nelly's family, especially her children. I cannot imagine what they are going through at this moment.