
Sam's Trip to Venezuela

Sam had a wonderful time just above the equator in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela! Boy was it hot! Fortunately, most homes in Venezuela have airconditioning!! And, get this, they only pay the equivalent of $20.00 dollars a month for electricity!!! Unbelieveable! Also, Sam said that gasoline cost 7 cents a gallon!! These are the only major pluses to living in Venezuela. The president of the country makes life pretty miserable for nearly everyone. Everyone there is losing their freedoms at a rapid rate. Sound familiar?

Inspite of all of this, Sam had a fruitful ministry at the Bible Institute where he taught on Biblical Counseling. He also preached in four different churches the two Sundays he was there. Tim and Pam Darling were very gracious hosts! Sam got to see the sites, the churches, the culture and taste the wonderful foods of Venezuela!

We are very glad to have Sam back here with us! Us girls decided that two weeks is a long time without our daddy and husband!

1 comment:

Kandie Stilwell said...

Guess next time he will have to drop you off in Peru while he goes on to Venezuela!!