This week we have started upgrading our appliances. Many of them are nearly 18 years old and aren't very energy efficient. Our first upgrade was the refrigerator. I can't believe I've lived this long with one that was so small. (14 cu. ft.) My new one has over 20 cu. ft.!!!!! This will make hosting groups a lot easier and we hope it will help cut down on our light bill. The next appliance to upgrade will be my washer. It sounds like a rock polisher. I guess I might need to clarify what that sounds like to some of the young folk. I did see a rock polisher at Toys R Us when we were in Indiana so I don't feel too bad. However, it was considered a Retro Toy. Now that makes me feel old. Anyway, if you've ever heard a rock polisher in action you can imagine what my washer sounds like. We've had a repair man here but there isn't much hope. The poor thing is one its last leg. We hope to be able to upgrade the washer after the Holidays.
Speaking of the Holidays, we are so excited that my parents (Jerry and Rita Jamison) and our son, Nathaniel, will be joining us here in Mexico City!! We hope to take everyone to a Dinner Outdoor Theater where they perform the Mexican version of the Christmas Story. Many Latin countries add a little twist to the Christmas Story. It is passed down via tradition from the Catholic church. Believe it or not here they insert Satan and the fallen angels into the story. At first I was offended by this. Now, after several years living here I can understand why it is there. I think the idea of the anger that Satan and his following must have experienced when Christ was born is probably accurate but since it isn't in Scripture we really don't know. We Christians have so much to give thanks for and give God the Glory for! Satan didn't, hasn't and won't win. God is still on the Throne and His Word will prevail over everything for Eternity!!!!!!!!!! This Season we (the Body of Christ) need to give the World the gift of hope and love we have because the Messiah, the Emmanuel, the King of Kings was born, died and rose again for US! Praise God! This should cause us to jump up every morning and shout Aleluya!!!!!!
The Christmas celebration will be great. I guess it does seem appropriate to insert Satan and the fallen angels displaying their anger in the midst of the birth of Christ. It is really true that we need to remember how he intends to thwart the purposes of God. It seems that we are about to see some attacks on the church in the near future. There have been appalling things happen in the last couple of weeks. In the end, Jesus is victorious! Amen!
¡Amén, hermana! And, by the way, we'll be right down to help you break in that new fridge! Ha. Oh, wouldn't that be nice...maybe someday. In the meantime, we'll just be thankful for the time we had to visit while you were here and for internet! :) Have a great week, friend!
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