
Beautiful Wedding!!!

We continue to be in awe of what and how God works!! Adrian and Karina have only been saved for a short time. Just a couple of weeks ago they were baptized! Now they are newly weds!!! The wedding yesterday couldn't have turned out more beautifully! We had 40 family and friends attend the wedding. If we had any more it would have been very difficult to squeeze them in. We had kids sitting on the stairs as it was! The church came together and really made the day special. We were able to surprise the wedding couple with details that put it the ceremony "over the top". We had church folk here at the house until 7:00 last night. It was a wonderful day of serving and fellowshipping. I'm posting some pics in this post. I'm having fun being creative with a few of them. The real photographer couldn't make it. I was the fill in. I had to learn the hard way about my flash, shadows on profiles, etc. Next time I'll remember to not use flash on those. Thanks so much for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for this family as they start the "blending" process!

1 comment:

Kandie Stilwell said...

I wondered if you did the pics. I remember that you liked to use the camera. Love the shots, they are so great. We aren't getting much rest this week, tons of laundry to do, 6 people after a whole week!! School to do and now begins the packing of the house for furlough. Oh my. Love you guys.