
Great Retreat

Thank you for all your prayers!! I'll have to admit, camping is an activity that stretches me. Roughing it to me is staying in a hotel. Camps and Retreats are activities that are very effective with youth. I couldn't wait as a child 'til camp rolled around each year. It was the highlight of my life!! We all need to get away every once in awhile from the rat race and focus on God! I think that our Retreat was a success. Of course we had a couple of "issues" but overall we accomplished all that we set out to do. We had 21 youth and three adults. We had six visitors!!! Sam did a great job during the three teaching times of sharing the gospel as well as challenging the young people to be "salt". Natalie, our daughter, is ready for us to do another one!

Our tent community!

Here is the Bath House, Lodge, Dinning Hall and Kitchen!

We city folk sure enjoyed the fields, fertilizer and even the loud cows!!

We felt like we were out in the middle of nowhere!

A Retreat just wouldn't be complete without getting wet!

We sure had fun soaking each other!!

Water games!!!!

The youth really loved the trampoline--for jumpin' and chillin'!!

Camp food!!! Yum, yum!!

Can't have a Retreat without a campfire!! The kids really enjoyed making s'mores as well!!

Omar having his personal devos.

Me with the owner of the property where we held our Retreat! Thanks Ellen for the use of your spacious yard!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Glad it went so well. That's great that you had so many visitors!