
Virus Update

Thank you so much for your prayers and comments on my Facebook and my blog. They are so encouraging. Some of you have asked about the earthquake. We did feel it. Earthquakes are actually kind of interesting. Your body feels like it is on a ride at the amuzement park. Yesterday's quake was very small. Sam and Nicole didn't feel it yet, Natalie and I did. That tells you how small it was. Of course folks downtown Mexico City always feel it more as that part of the City was built on a former lake bed--not stable. It is true that right now the country is pretty emotional with all that it going on with the Flu Virus. There was no damage however from the earthquake.

We are growing a little tired of hanging around the house. We did venture out yesterday to see Sam's brother's family. This has been an opportunity for us to focus on trusting God. We say this so much but a sickness like this is causing us to talk about it and live it out.

We are looking into the possibility of meeting on Sunday in an outdoor location. We are thinking of having a service where we met for the Passover Meal. We have to take into consideration ventilation and as I heard last night on the news, " the six feet rule". This rule says you need to stay this far apart to not contract the virus if someone around you is sick. We will of course have to not greet others like we normally do. This is so hard here. Normally we greet with a kiss, hug and handshake. Yes, on Sundays we usually do all three with everyone. To some of you that seems very weird. It took me awhile to get into this but now I have to work hard not to do it in the States when we greet. In other words, it's a habit. If the government puts more restrictions on us we will probably have to cancel our service again. It is really strange to stay home from church. (even when church is in your home) We really miss not seeing our church family. Sunday is the best day of the week!

The government is thinking about shutting down the whole City. This means shutting down all public transportation as well as telling folks to stay home from work. This would really put a damper on things economically.

I will try and keep my blog updated on the happenings here. Thank you again for your prayers!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Praying for you guys! Thanks for keeping us updated. Peru hasn't reported any cases yet, but they are now screening people who are coming in from the U.S. and Mexico before they free them to leave the airport...of course, that doesn't solve everything considering the incubation period, but it did surprise me that they were even doing that much! I had to laugh at what you said about the greetings! I found myself not knowing what to do with my hands when greeting people on furlough. It was really a struggle at first. :) Take care and enjoy the extra family time!