
Update on Natalie

First of all, I want to thank you for all your prayers for Natalie. It has been a frustrating time for her. She went from a very active young lady to not being able to stand for long without pain. We finally got to the source of her pain. She has had in the past a stress fracture to her back which has caused her L4 and L5 to slip out of place. There is no way to put it back except surgery but Natalie's case isn't severe enough for that, yet. This is something that she will have to live with for the rest of her life. It has been hard on me to see my very young girl have pain of someone in their upper years. Natalie finished up her Physical Therapy this week. They have told her to start walking on a regular basis and then build up to running again. Natalie is fearful she won't be able to play sports due to the pain she has now but we've been told that as her back gets stronger she will be able to return to basketball. We will see what the Lord has in store.

Much of our energies during the week have been trying to get Natalie on the mend. So much so, we realize we haven't sent out a prayer letter in awhile. We promise to get one out as soon as we have the Christmas Program on Sunday. We appreciate your patience. The church is doing very well. Sam was able to get us registered with the government which is very exciting! We weren't able to do this until we were officially paying rent for a location. For five years the church met in our home and of course we didn't charge rent.

Tonight our son, Nathaniel, is arriving!!! He will be staying with us for four months before returning to the States to work for the summer before he starts Seminary in August.

Trust you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's!