
Nicole turns 10!

Claudia, (Nicole's cousin) and Jessi.  The three enjoyed their sleepover!

Hard to believe that my baby is ten!  It seems like yesterday she became apart of our family!  We are so thankful for her!  She keeps us young, at least young at heart!  Nicole is growing everyday in her understanding of God and His Word.  She is a hard worker in school and at basketball.  She loves to help me in the kitchen.  She loves all dogs and according to her there ain't an ugly dog in the world.  She doesn't like spiders yet she doesn't want anyone to kill them but to help them outside where they can enjoy life. She is concerned about all her friends coming to know Christ personally and has done well at witnessing to them.  We love you Nicole and are glad our nest won't be empty for at least 8 more years!


mwrausch said...

Wait! 10? Are you sure you're doing your math right? Wasn't it yesterday she was in K5? Surely it was. Wow!
Happy happy birthday sweet Nicole.
Love, Mrs. Rausch :-)

mwrausch said...

Wait! 10? Are you sure you're doing your math right? Wasn't it yesterday she was in K5? Surely it was. Wow!
Happy happy birthday sweet Nicole.
Love, Mrs. Rausch :-)