
It's official! Natalie is the same height as me, 5'8 and a half!

I'm sure that Natalie will pass me up. It's only amount of time before I will physically be looking up to her. Natalie is quite the trooper. She has been working through pain in her knees for nearly a year and a half. We finally decided to do something different. I bought two thigh sleeves that Nike sells. These fit extremely tight. They are holding her muscles together so that they don't put pressure on her undeveloped bones around her knee. Natalie was diagnosed with Osgood Schlaters disease while we were home on furlough. We were told that Natalie would struggle with pain until she is done growing. I don't think that is going to happen for awhile! I grew another inch after I got into college. I started out very quickly growing six inches in one year and then I tappered off. Natalie took off like me but has continued to grow slowly. She has grown nearly two inches since September!! NO WONDER she has had pain!!


Molly said...

Yikes, she's passed me up already...by half an inch! I think of you guys often b/c Claudi is using clothes that you gave me for Lili your furlough before last...they have worn those Mickey and Minnie jeans to shreds. I had already made them into shorts, but now they are beyond patching. Claudi was sad to hear that they were headed to the rag bag to salvage for patches. Thanks for sharing!

Kandie Stilwell said...

You both look so beautiful. Wow, Natalie you are getting so tall. Way to go! Benjamin is really shooting up too. He passed me up a long time ago. We'll see how tall he is when we get home. Rebekah is anxiously awaiting her growth spurt.

Keith Jackson said...

that is sad to hear about her disease...I had that too growing up...and it never went away!
Good to see everyone doing well and the church!!!