

A couple of weeks ago we got a phone call from a private high school here (Mexico City) inviting Natalie and her parents to a Recruitment Breakfast. We were shocked! Natalie is being recruited to play basketball at a very elite high school. Natalie's skills have improved greatly over the past year and at least one coach is interested. I know this is something unusual for all of you in the States but it is very common around the world. Education is very competitive as well as sports. It also comes at a very high price. The only way we could consider this school is if they gave her a very hefty scholarship. The monthly tuition is $1,000.00 dollars a month. This is for the Bicultural education. This means 50-70% of the classes would be in English. There is another track that she could take that is called Bilingual. It is a little cheaper but it offers fewer courses in English. Anyway, to get into this school you have to take a College Entrance Exam. You read right. Natalie is going to take this College Entrance Exam in Spanish. We are so proud of Natalie and all the work she has done in school and sports to get her to this place. We are thankful to God for how He has blessed Natalie in so many ways. The high school doesn't expect the kids to perform as if they've already been through high school but it is a weeding out process. Along with this College Exam they must also take an extensive English exam. Of course when the school sees Natalie's English scores compared to her Spanish scores they will understand the imbalance. We are honored that the school is interested in Natalie. We are enjoying the ride so far but there is a chance of coming down hard in the next couple of weeks. Pray for Natalie as she takes this exam on Saturday. Also pray that we all will handle the results as Christ would want us to!


Molly said...

Wow, that's exciting! I'll be praying and can't wait to hear how it all turns out!

Monica said...

Praying for Natalie and the impact the school may have on her if she is accepted and the impact she will have in the lives of the students! Praying also for wisdom and discernment for all of you.