
Visitors or Livers

Our seven year old continues to keep us in stitches! Yesterday we spent the day just being a family and having fun. We were returning home when Nicole said, "we are the livers, right mommy?" She was referring to our semi-gated community. If you don't live in the community you are a "visitor" and if you do live in the community then you are a "liver" Nicole's logic is simple, but cute!

A couple of weeks ago I was getting some ham out of the fridge to make some sandwiches. Nicole asked me, "Mom is this homemade ham?" I had to laugh. I then figured out that she likes a certain brand of ham that I buy at the deli and not prepackaged ham. "Homemade" to Nicole means the best in flavor! I think my daughter has my knack to make-up words and confuse words!! The Websters did it why can't the Hornbrooks!! I mean the Websters made dictionaries not that they mixed up meanings!


Kandie Stilwell said...

wow, I think I was confused at the end too :)

Molly said...

Hee hee, sad to say, but I followed every word! :) We have one in our house (funny, the same age, too!) who does the same thing! I think she got it from her mama, too! :) It makes live more interesting that way, don't you think? Then, when you throw in the bilingual issue, well, it REALLY makes for some interesting words! Ha! Make sure you keep writing those down or you will forget them, like I have!

Molly said...

ha ha, that was supposed to be "life" not live! Guess I wouldn't make up so many words if I would actually proofread BEFORE posting! :)